domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

Post 4 medieval times

The Middle ages or Medieval time. It was a period of time on the European Continent from the 5th to the 15th century; This term appeared for the first time in 1469.The middle ages was right after the fall of the Western Roman Empire; there are subdivisions on the middle ages; some historians divide the middle ages in two parts: high and low, the English speaking historians divide the middle ages in three sub periods: early(476-1000),high(1000-1300) and the late middle age(1300-1453).
The middle ages historians divided the history in two periods: the Six Ages and the Four Empires; In the 19th century, the middle ages were named as dark ages and after the sub divisions of this period was named early middle ages; according to the Scandinavian history, the middle ages were after prehistory in the 11th century; and the prehistory of the middle ages in Estonia and Latvia was in the 13th century.
From the 5th to the 8th century the Germanic Tribes divided and the decentralized kingdoms like the Franks and Burgundians in Gaul Western Germany, The Vandals in North Africa, The Suevin in Gallaecia, The Ostrogoths in Italy, The Visigoths in Hispania and The Saxons in Britain.
On the period of the High Middle Age (1000-1300) tge architecture was developed, the construction of churches and monasteries were an example of this architecture, the materials used on this constructions were stone and Roman brick. The Catholicism was the most important cultural influence in the middle ages, there were some regions populated mostly by Catholics; Bishops played an important role in those governments.
On the middle ages from the 11th to the 13th century were marked by the increase of population, military expansion and intellectual development. The period of the middle ages coincided with the period of the Islamic Golden Age; all their inventions had Greek and Roman background. The Hundred Years War was a conflict from (1337-1453) between France and England. This conflict was divided in 4 periods: The Edwardian War(1337-1360), The Caroline War (1369-1389), The Lancastian War(1415-1429) and the Decline of the English(1429-1453).
Martin Luther was not agree with some actions about the Catholicism; the problem was because the Catholics were raising money in order of the faith, Luther separated from the church in 1517, as a consequence of this action also the Calvinism and Anabaptism were created. All these actions put an end to the big influence of the Catholicism.
Some historians think that the en of the Middle Ages was The Conquest of Constantinople in 1453, others think the Fall of Muslim Granada in Spain, the Battle of Boswotrh Field(1485),the death of the King Ferdinand II, the invention of type printing by Johan Gutenberg 1455 or the Conquest of Granada 1492.

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