domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

post 5 french revolution

post 6 emergence of language Hector Fierro

Study of Civilization
“Emerge of the Language”
M.C. Edgar Karim Audelo Sandoval
Team B:
Fierro Lizarraga Hector
Ibon Castellon Guillermo
Lopez Vega Claudia Cristina

December 2011

The term language has not a unique definition. It can be defined as the form that humans use communicates each other. This communication can be oral, written or by the use of signs. The language in any of its forms will help us to express or communicate what we feel or think. All social animals communicate with each other, from bees and ants to whales and apes, but only humans have developed a language which is more than a set of prearranged signals. There are many theories about the origin of language. The Bible is the first example of the endeavors to uncover the origin of human language. According to it, Adam received the ability to speak from God and "whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof" (Genesis 2:19). In most major religions seems to be the Almighty who blesses mankind with means of communication.
Apart from the divine source theories, there are several hypotheses which attempted to explain the emergence of speech on the basis of sound imitation, or unintentional sound production. Although they seem more persuasive, they fail to answer many questions and therefore are mere speculations.
According to the human evolutions there are studies of ear bones that Neanderthal humans from 500,000 – 350, 000 years BC may have evolved, because they were physiologically capable of producing sounds similar to modern humans, meaning the beginning of the human spoken language, There is still considerable debate as to whether language developed gradually over thousands of years or whether it appeared suddenly.
Spoken Language existed long before writing, but probably this mean the most important step in the development of the human language, writing system seems to coincide with the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to more permanent agrarian encampments when it became necessary to count ones property. We see the first evidence for this with incised "counting tokens" about 9,000 years ago in the Neolithic Fertile Crescent. Around 4100-3800 BCE, the tokens began to be symbols that could be impressed or inscribed in clay to represent a record of land, grain or cattle and a written language was beginning to develop.  One of the earliest examples was found in the excavations of Uruk in Mesopotamia at a level representing the time of the crystallization of the Sumerian culture.
Nowadays there are around to 4000 – 6000 languages spoken around the world but certainly the most puzzling is the origins of human language will perhaps remain forever obscure, because there not theories which probed totally when and how emerged the human language.
The language is able to operate; due to the different brain functions. These functions are related with the linguistic memory and human intelligence. The main difference between animals and humans language is; that humans think what they feel or want to express. Animals communicate only by instincts.
The language in humans begins before birth. He or she can listen and feel his/her mothers, feelings, emotions and how she communicates. Researchers haven’t found a mother tongue for the idioms. Some experts’ think that the language start as a consequence of visual or auditive sensations. Other theorists’ think that the language come after natural evolution and with the human needs. Another theory mention that language comes as a part of the brain, so according to this language will be developed with the humans interactions and education.
Language is a very important part of our daily lives. It is the way in which human beings communicate, not only with our voice but also with gestures and written symbols. Even though people have made up interesting theories about its origin nobody knows exactly where it comes from and nothing has been totally confirmed. We need to communicate and I think that´s why languages exist. There are many languages around the world. Some of them have already disappeared, some others will still keep on disappearing and others will emerge.
The human is a human skill, which is on constant evolution depending on human needs. So according to this; we can affirm that all the languages are not totally complete. This is because everything is on evolution and so is the language.

·         Origin of language, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 3 December 2011

·         Language, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2 December 2011

·         The Origins of Language, GREY, D S., 2011

·         The History of writing, Jack Kilmon's Web Page. October 8, 1997

·         HISTORY OF LANGUAGE, conceived and written by: Bamber Gascoigne

Post 4 medieval times

The Middle ages or Medieval time. It was a period of time on the European Continent from the 5th to the 15th century; This term appeared for the first time in 1469.The middle ages was right after the fall of the Western Roman Empire; there are subdivisions on the middle ages; some historians divide the middle ages in two parts: high and low, the English speaking historians divide the middle ages in three sub periods: early(476-1000),high(1000-1300) and the late middle age(1300-1453).
The middle ages historians divided the history in two periods: the Six Ages and the Four Empires; In the 19th century, the middle ages were named as dark ages and after the sub divisions of this period was named early middle ages; according to the Scandinavian history, the middle ages were after prehistory in the 11th century; and the prehistory of the middle ages in Estonia and Latvia was in the 13th century.
From the 5th to the 8th century the Germanic Tribes divided and the decentralized kingdoms like the Franks and Burgundians in Gaul Western Germany, The Vandals in North Africa, The Suevin in Gallaecia, The Ostrogoths in Italy, The Visigoths in Hispania and The Saxons in Britain.
On the period of the High Middle Age (1000-1300) tge architecture was developed, the construction of churches and monasteries were an example of this architecture, the materials used on this constructions were stone and Roman brick. The Catholicism was the most important cultural influence in the middle ages, there were some regions populated mostly by Catholics; Bishops played an important role in those governments.
On the middle ages from the 11th to the 13th century were marked by the increase of population, military expansion and intellectual development. The period of the middle ages coincided with the period of the Islamic Golden Age; all their inventions had Greek and Roman background. The Hundred Years War was a conflict from (1337-1453) between France and England. This conflict was divided in 4 periods: The Edwardian War(1337-1360), The Caroline War (1369-1389), The Lancastian War(1415-1429) and the Decline of the English(1429-1453).
Martin Luther was not agree with some actions about the Catholicism; the problem was because the Catholics were raising money in order of the faith, Luther separated from the church in 1517, as a consequence of this action also the Calvinism and Anabaptism were created. All these actions put an end to the big influence of the Catholicism.
Some historians think that the en of the Middle Ages was The Conquest of Constantinople in 1453, others think the Fall of Muslim Granada in Spain, the Battle of Boswotrh Field(1485),the death of the King Ferdinand II, the invention of type printing by Johan Gutenberg 1455 or the Conquest of Granada 1492.

Post 2 Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome Mind map

Post 3 Ancient Spain

The hispanic peninsula lies at the extreme southwestern of Europe, in the directions of Africa. It is partially separated from the rest of Europe by the Pyreness.. The peninsula was inhabited by a complex variety of people, this during the first millennium BC. That is way the peninsula had always been divided into geographic and ethno-cultural regions which differed from ezch other. The people of Hispania had a great deal of influence from Phoenician (Carthaginian), Greek ad Roman settlements.
The Romans called with the name of Hispania, to great peninsula made up of Spain and Portugal. And the modern España or Spain derives from Hispania.

Post 2 Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome
Historians say that Rome was founded on April 21, 753 BC by the twin brothers Romulus and Remus.  Rome was the biggest city of Its time with a population of one million people; the Rome civilization was established on Italy, and the city of Rome was the capital of this empire, which is considered one of the largest empires in the ancient times, during the Roman empire, they dominate western, eastern and southern Europe, North Africa, Balkans and Asia minor, this can tell us all the regions they conquered on Europe, Asia and Africa. They used to have to have monarchs and they change their government system to Aristocratic Republic. They had a great organization, excellent leaders and artists as Julius Caesar, Cicero. They created a government system called res Publica , This kind of government have influenced countries on actual times like France and the U.S. The Romans have influence the justice system that we have nowadays in many countries like our Mexico. Rome have influence on culture, philosophy, religion, coliseums (architecture)too.

Ancient Greek
There isn’t a exact  time about when the Ancient Greece was form, some dates according to researchers mentioned that this civilization was establish from the 8th century BC until the 6th Century AD. The Greek civilization has influence of other cultures like the Assyrian, Phoenician, and Egyptian. The classical Ancient Greece is divided by ages, the Greek dark age on 1100 to 750 BC; the archaic period from 750 to 500 BC , on this period the culture was develop, painters, sculptures, writers,thinkers, philosophers. On the classical period from 500 to 323 BC, this period was mark by the annexation of Greece to the Roman Republic. Athens and other Greek cities were conquer by the Sula General in 88 BC. The Greek cities were ruled by kingdoms; after the 6th century the Athenians founded the first world democracy, they did that to put an end to the Aristocracy .Only the native born were consider Greek citizens, but later Pericles introduce changes to this law. From 800 to 400 BC, Greek increased Its population from 800,00 to 13 million people estimated. Most of the words that we use nowadays have Greek background, on philosophy, art, literature, Math, geography, cosmos, weather, architecture, physics, quemestry and in many other areas we have Greek influence. On sports can’t be the exception for example they invented the most important sport event worldwide which is the Olympic Games, the marathon which was the distance that a deliver person on Greece run from one place to another, that distance is respected on actuality, for these and many other facts we have to consider the importance of the Greek civilization .